Friday, January 29, 2010

Panic before an event even happens, is a waste of energy and makes you look stupid!

Living in Missouri, I learned a long time ago, the weather is unpredictable! Period! The best you can do is just be prepared for anything and go on with your life. However, the weather persons still continue to do the predicting and they continue to be wrong. This in and of itself isn't the funny, it the people who listen to them that cause the comedy.
I guess in case you don't live in Missouri, I should catch you up. We have a wide variety of weather here. In the last month we have had negative temperatures, snow, a little ice, 60 degrees, rain, sun, clouds, 50 mile an hour winds, and well you get the point. A few years ago we had an ice strom that wiped out power for weeks, so now you say ice and people turn blue and start running around looking for things, who knows what they are looking for, but .... anyway.
For a week the forecast has been for a little ice followed by anywhere from 6 inches of snow to a foot. Everyone started the panic that ensues when they forecast such a storm. The storm was supposed to be here Thursday afternoon, through the night and into Friday. Thus, on Monday different organizations, and events, started canceling...... Yes, you read right!!! I was amazed at the confidence that people placed in the forecast. By Wednesday when I went to the store, to get bread..... it had begun. The hording of water, bread...... carts full of bread! Why a whole cart full of bread....???? It makes no sense to me.... We talk about prison being a place where you are fed bread and water???? Are they preparing for a prison??? BUT the funniest thing I have found is the dog food. Last storm, I went to the store to get a few things I needed, one being dog food. I buy one bag every two weeks for our Great Pyrenees, Belle. I went to the isle to get the dog food, and there was NONE, well that isn't exactly true there were a few bags left, little bags, broken bags, specialty foods. What is wrong with people..... why does a snow storm make you by carts full of dog food...??? Do they not feed their dogs unless it snows??? Is it that they themselves think that they may need to eat it should they be snowed in their house for.... 24 to 48 hours.... ( about the longest I can imagine anyone in this area would be stuck in their house). I guess I am out of the loop. I saw this Wednesday when I went to the store again, carts full of dog food....
So, Thursday came no snow, Thursday night came, NO snow..... Friday morning came and we have a 1/2 inch max.... it is still falling, but we will NOT get a foot of snow...
I say all of this to tell you I learned this lesson long ago..... I don't know what tomorrow will hold!! The weather man does not know, you do not know. I do not panic before an event happens! I know that I have enough food in my house to last us for..... who knows weeks maybe. It might no be food we are always excited about but it IS food. I know that I can't control the weather, or what MIGHT happen with it. I do know that I know the one who no only knows what tomorrow holds, but also controls it.... this is peace my friend!!!! No matter what might happen, and bad things MIGHT happen, he is still in control.... What shall we fear!!! I still buy a loaf of bread, and dog food if I am going to run out in the next day or two, but I will not panic..... Have a good one.