Friday, June 17, 2011

The Rooster War!!!!

For those of you who know me very well, there are few things that I won't do, or at least try to do. I am not AFRAID of too many things though I don't like some things, like snakes, lizards, mice, rats, things of that sort, but I don't think I am too afraid of them. I just think they are creepy.... BUT I am afraid of full grown CHICKENS!! Yes, I know, it isn't exactly a farm animal one would think I would be afraid of, though I have almost decided it is birds in general. I have been bit by a dog and a rabbit, I am still not AFRAID of them, though I do watch out in certain circumstances. I have been butted, and horned, nibbled on, stomped on, and drug around and probably something else horrible I can't think of by a goat, and I am certainly not afraid of them. I have been knocked down by a sheep, pinched by a goose and ducks....... I am not afraid of them. Until tonight, I can't say that a chicken has ever done ONE thing to me..... I even had a rooster I really love call Sunny! He followed me like a dog, he drank water while standing on my feet as I filled up his water bowl. He ate bread from my hand....... BUT I was ALWAYS afraid of him. I jumped all the time, the chickens......I don't know what I was really afraid is something about the way they look at you with one eye, and all run at you at one time.... I just creeps me out. AND I AM AFRAID. Tonight while doing chores for my neighbor, I turned on the garden hose that I had placed in a barrel. The barrel is used to fill various water containers for all the rabbits and other birds in their barn. Apparently the water pressure from the water coming on shot the hose backward and out of the barrel.....this in turn shot water all over a group of chickens eating under the rabbit cages and behind the cages ( another wonderful trait of chickens....they pick at poop all day if given the chance....ooooo!!!) Well, the chickens were already worked up and flopping around and clucking and making a fuss because the resident buck rabbit is having some kind of crisis whenever anyone comes in the barn. He is dumping his food and water, running around and causing all kinds of commotion....(I told him the other day, you would think he were a dairy goat for all the drama he are stirring up....good grief), So a combination of the water, and the rabbit caused the biggest in charge rooster to come running.....I ignored him....most of the time you if you go about your business and ignore them they just go away. (small brain, short memory)...... BUT not today!!! While I had both my hands over my head with a container pouring water into a bowl for a rabbit, it jumped up and attacked my leg.... for those of you who know, this was a BUFF.... a HUGE Rooster for those who don't know. He did not spur me thank goodness, but his claws were enough to let me know he was UNhappy. He fell off and I met him with my boot the next time...... He thought better of trying it again, but danced around and puffed up, so I grab a HUGE fishing net from the wall and carried it with me will doing the chores. (He didn't know that it probably wouldn't have hurt him, but it looked pretty big and really scary to him) He went on his way pecking the ground....... I finished the chores and hang the fishing net back in its place grabbed the carton of eggs and went on my way. As I went around the barn from across the yard came a lesser Rooster, a red one.....neck puffed wings out RUNNING at me..... I put my boot up only to have him ATTACK!!!! He pecked and spurred and flogged...... I shook my foot and threw him off, only to have him come right back at me.... so I hit him with the egg carton...(I am sorry for you animal lovers.....remember, I WAS AFRAID FOR MY Only protecting myself) ..... He fell backwards and I figured that was the end of that, OH NO!!!! He jumped up and landed on my arm.....pecking and drawing blood with either his claws or his beak not sure which...... I began not to hit him with the egg carton but to BEAT him with the egg carton....eggs flew everywhere. ALL the chickens in the yard were starring and clucking and horrified. I continued to BEAT on him until he fell of my arm, I threw the egg carton at him and went, (no I RAN) to my van. When I looked back....he was all puffed up with that egg carton.....YES, he won!!! Now, to say the least, my ego was hurt. BUT as I was driving home, I thought, you know, that stupid rooster couldn't have KILLED me..... BUT I COULD have killed him. He couldn't have even wounded me enough to warrant a trip to the ER.....well, not likely. ( I wont dwell on that, the fear is How very silly to be so afraid of something so small. In all rights, chickens can be very LOVELY birds. I enjoy watching them peck and chase bugs.. (another of those unliked animals) I like to watch their social inter action. Why would I be so afraid of them, is it there is no real personality for me to read behind that EYE..... or the fact that they race to you all in one group making me think of the horror film "The Bird". I just don't know, but it is certainly unfounded. SO, I resigned myself to change my mind and not be AFRAID..... I can dislike, them for their unlikable behavior, or the poop on my front porch, or the stinky hen house...... but I shouldn't be AFRAID. The more I contemplated that, the more I realized that we as humans just do this, we find something small and make it SO much bigger than it is. We find fear where there should be none. We can make a toothpaste cap a DEAL breaker. The creator of the Universe has adopted me, "WHOM SHALL I FEAR?" A rooster?? A flock of chickens??? A mission to reach a person or person who are different that me??? To tell someone the reason that I am who I am????? For the most part, our fears are mostly unfounded. I know there are real threats, there are real dangers...... I guess what I am saying is, I KNOW God can and will take care of me in those situations. I may feel fear, (that is a human response used to get our full attention) but I wont let it paralyze me, or keep me from doing what I set out to do. SO, why would I let small thing in my life??? It is something to contemplate for sure. Tomorrow I have to face the roosters....... Even now, I don't look forward to it, but I WILL do it...... and I will try not to FEAR..... God is a BIG GOD....SO much bigger than anything I can imageine. AND for sure and for certain much bigger than a ROOSTER.......LOL.... I will let you know how it turns out. (I hoping for the small brain short memory.....)